Division of Anatomy / Arts & Science: Undergraduate Courses
The Division of Anatomy offers the following undergraduate courses as part of the Life Sciences Program in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. For information about and/or enrollment in any of these courses, please contact:
Division of Anatomy
1 King's College Circle
Room 1156
University of Toronto
Tel: 416-978-2690
Fax: 416-978-3844
Undergraduate Courses
ANA 200H Human Visceral Anatomy
Instructor: Dr. D. Ballyk
This introductory course addresses the structure of human visceral systems using a regional approach to the anatomy of the head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and perineum. The course consists of three hours of lecture and one hour of lab time per week. It is offered in the fall term.
Prerequisite: None
Recommended Preparation: 4U Biology
ANA 300Y Human Anatomy and Histology
Instructor: Dr. Kristina Lisk
Structure of the human body and its relationship to function. Basic human histology, gross anatomy, and neuroanatomy.
Prerequisite: BIO130H/ BIO152H5/ BIOA01H3/ANA126Y1(ANA124H1, ANA125H1)/ANA200H1
ANA 301H Human Embryology
Instructor: Dr. Danielle Bentley
Human embryology from fertilization to the end of the fetal period. Current concepts in mammalian morphogenesis applied to the development of the various organ systems; etiologies and pathogenesis of some of the more common human congenital abnormalities.
Prerequisite: BIOL130H
HMB 320 Neuroanatomy
Instructor: Dr. Paulo Koeberle
This introductory course addresses the structure of the vertebrate central nervous system with emphasis on functional human neuroanatomy. Human Biology Program
ANA 400H1 Anatomy Dissection
Instructor: Dr. D. Ballyk and Dr. Kristina Lisk
In ANA400H, students enrich their knowledge of human anatomy by performing a focused series of cadaveric dissections. Attitudes to dissection of the human body, and how these have evolved over time, will be explored. The relevance of anatomy to injury and surgery, and other related issues will be discussed.
ANA400H is offered in the Fall and Winter terms.
Prerequisite: ANA300Y or ANA126Y (or equivalent full year gross anatomy course with a laboratory) and permission of the Division of Anatomy. A minimum B standing in the prerequisite course is required, along with a strong track record of academic success.
Students and instructors in ANA400H meet on Tuesdays from 9:10 – 11:00 am and on Thursdays from 9:10 am – 12:00 noon. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. This is an in-person, experiential course; as such, nothing is recorded.
How to Apply:
We are now accepting applications for the Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 iterations of ANA400H. To apply, please complete this application form by July 31st, 2024. If you have any questions, please send them to: or
All submissions received by the deadline will be ranked against each other and the strongest applicants will be selected. Successful applicants will be informed of their acceptance into the course by via email by August 15th, 2024. Please note, this course is limited to a maximum of 20 students/term. A waiting list of 5 students will be generated each term.
ANA 411H1 Anatomy in Application: Exercise and Biomechanics
Instructor: Dr. Judi Laprade
This course will cover musculoskeletal anatomy topics with an emphasis on applying biomechanical principles and research evidence to explain or clarify exercise principles and challenge common exercise practices and myths. Learning opportunities through detailed lab review of anatomical specimens and models will follow a seminar featuring topics with applied biomechanical underpinning or a research-informed exercise topic. Students will build upon these learning components to provide a presentation using current literature combined with known anatomical and biomechanical principles to resolve a controversial topic or substantiate a current exercise practice.
Prerequisite: ANA300Y1 or ANA126Y (or equivalent gross anatomy course). A minimum B+ standing in this prerequisite is required.
How to apply:
Applicants should send the following documents to by October 31.
- Statement of interest (200 words or less);
- Copy of transcripts (unofficial is acceptable); and
- Short resume.
All successful candidates will be informed of their acceptance into the course by email.
Once acceptance has been offered, students must complete the ANA411 ballot form. The signed and completed form must be submitted to or dropped off in Room 1156 of the Medical Sciences Building.
The Division of Anatomy will register successful applicants in ACORN upon receipt of the completed ballot and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have been registered in the course.
TBD for 2024
ANA 420H1 Anatomy and Function of Adult Stem Cells and Their Niche
Instructor: Dr. Maryam Faiz
This course introduces adult stem cells and the various tissue-specific stem cell niches in which they reside. The identification and function of adult stem cells, communication between stem cells and their niche, and the role of adult stem cells in organ function and in response to injury will be discussed. The course will incorporate basic human anatomy and histology labs to facilitate an understanding of stem cell biology.
Prerequisite: ANA300Y/ANA301H1/HMB302H1
ANA 498Y1 (Full Year) Project in Anatomy
Instructor: Dr. C. Morshead
ANA498 is a 4th year level laboratory-based course designed to give students experience in a research setting. Students can cover a broad range of specialties including histology, cellular and molecular biology, developmental biology, neuroscience, and gross anatomy under a research supervisor. Students are expected to commit a minimum of 8-10 hours per week. Three written assignments, oral presentations and a documented progress meeting with the supervisor are required.
Prerequisite: Permission of a professor to supervise the project.
How to apply:
You must secure a supervisor and submit a ballot to by April 25th, 2025 for approval.
The course is designed to provide practical wet-lab experience. Please consider the following when designing a project with your proposed supervisor:
- Database/data mining and meta-analysis studies are not suitable for an ANA498 project.
- The project cannot include clinical case summaries or patient chart data collection.
- The project cannot be a systematic review.
Projects will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. If you have a project in mind that you are unsure of, please do not hesitate to submit a ballot for assessment.
Note that the course director and supervisor must be made aware if more than one research project course is being taken by the student during the academic year PRIOR to ballot submission. This information must be disclosed on the ballot.
More Information on the application process and finding a supervisor visit: ANA 498Y1
Joint Courses
JHA 410H1 Clinical Neuroimaging
Instructor: Katharine Dunlop
This course focuses on the use of neuroimaging techniques in understanding how trauma, disorders, and disease impact neural structure and function. Lectures will focus on local and long-range neural impact of pathology and neuroimaging assessment. Lab work will focus on practical skills including image processing, analyses, and experimental design.