Mar 1, 2024  |  7:30am - 8:30am

Palmer Lecture: Department of Surgery University Rounds

Department of Surgery

The Department of Surgery invites you to its March University Rounds: The Palmer Lecture.

Delivering on the promise of simulation-based surgical education…On the Edge of a Dream

by Dr. Richard K. Reznick

OC, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FRCSEd (hon), FRCSI (hon), FRCS (hon)

Professor Emeritus of Surgery & Dean Emeritus, Queen’s University

Immediate Past President, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Participants will:

1. Discuss the areas of surgical education for which simulation activities have been successful, as well as review those areas that have been lacking.

2. Debate whether the return on investment for surgical simulation has been strong.

3. Analyze reviews from recent literature regarding the effectiveness of simulation, review examples of excellent studies in surgical simulation, delineate the gaps in evidence in support of surgical simulation, and map out a plan for future directions in surgical simulation.

* Light breakfast and coffee/tea will be available at the venue.

Palmer Lecture Poster